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The data and science to quantify your addressable market.

Unlock the Future of Consumer Spending. Get the most accurate,
forward-looking data on global consumer trends, demographics, and
spending — covering 99.5% of the world’s population across
184 countries.
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Trusted by leading companies

How World Data Pro can help you

Global Data
Our data is consistent across time and space
Granular Demographics (1)
Gender, age, spending groups, and subnational breakdowns
Forward Looking
State of the art projections through 2035
Spending Groups

Discover how spending groups distribution will change around the world

Track the evolution of consumer class distribution through 2035, by age, gender, and spending group
Region Comparison

Identify top market opportunities

Easily compare consumer groups between countries in order to identify and quantify your best opportunities and risks
Daily Spending

Planning and expansion

World Data Pro subnational spending models help you identify the most suitable locations for expansion

World Data Pro

We leverage advanced data science methodologies to model and create proprietary data from the macro to the most granular level. Our IP, which has been peer-reviewed in Nature, provides the most credible, accurate and consistence forecasts across demographics, countries, cities and generations up to 2035 and beyond.

  Total spending and category specific data
  Over 6,000 cities
  All age and generations
  All spending groups
  Through to 2035
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